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Sessions by appointment only.

Fees and Appointments

Cash payments and medical aid submissions

I am a registered Counselling Psychologist in private practice and as such I am registered with the Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF). The BHF have allocated me a practice number which can be used to submit claims to medical aids. I am contracted to a number of medical aid schemes which means that you are able to put in claims to claim back for sessions you have paid for. Most medical aids will either cover a portion of the session or the total cost of the session. It is advisable that you contact your medical aid beforehand in order to determine the benefits that your plan offers and what they are willing to cover. Clients will be required to settle their invoice on a session by session basis.

Psychotherapy fees

Psychotherapy fees fall within medical aid rates and are subject to annual increases. Such increases are effective from January. Please contact the practice for the current fees.

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18 Fir Drive Northcliff South Africa


106 4th Avenue Northmead Benoni South Africa

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